Controls - Left Player

W/S - Control  left magnet

A/D - Control  top magnet

Space -  Activate magnet

Left Shift + Space - Charge Magnet, Release for burst

Controls - Right Player

Arrow Up/Arrow Down - Control  left magnet

Arrow Left/Arrow Right - Control  top magnet

Numpad Zero -  Activate magnet

Ctrl + Numpad Zero - Charge Magnet, Release for burst

Welcome to Cubical Clash. Use your two magnets to control your 3d printed fighter and battle for the last can of carbonated water. Using the controls above launch your fighter at your opponent and inflict maximum harm.  

Development Notes:

This game's art assets are made using 3d printed models on a green screen. The backgrounds are photos we took in our office. 

The game's engine (2B2D) was built from scratch using WebGL. This game does use experimental features from Chrome, that require Hardware acceleration.

Published 2 hours ago
GenreAction, Fighting
TagsLocal multiplayer, stop-motion

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